Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Queen Elizabeth I : "The Virgin Queen"

Queen Elizabeth I , daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, was born on Semptember 7th, 1533 on Palace of PlacentiaGreenwich, England. She was called:  "The Virgin Queen", because she never married. There is the idea that Elizabeth vowed herself to a life perpetual virginity, she entered into a symbolic marriage with england as her husband. in this way she could receive the adulation of her subjects as the universal ballads, pageants, and dramatic entertainment. 

 She was a living legend. Novelists, poets, playwrights and filmmakers have immortalized Elizabeth. In recent years there has been a flood of books and exhibitions about her. Her figure was theatrical: small eyes, the blond curly hair and deathly pale complexion. Queen Elizabeth I, was immortalized in several movies based on myths about her life and loves. 

There is no absolute truth about life and virginity of Queen Elizabeth I, but I believe in the theory that she had lovers who were not known and that these loves were not important enough to make the Queen  fall in love and lose all the image that already had formed for his people.

The truth is that however interesting the subject is, there is no way to find the truth. So we must make do with the truth of how powerful and strong that Queen Elizabeth I was. 

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahah I believe that Queen Elizabeth's virginity was false, obviously ! But I think that she was very smart using it in her favor because she could have a lot of fun with a lot of men and never being engaged to one! Besides no one could say anything to her because she was the Queen! and you can't contradict the Queen, right? hahaha I liked your post :)
