Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Queen Elizabeth I : Art Legacy

                 Many years ago a strong Queen ruled England, making it more powerful and creating a huge Empire; The British Empire. Besides of being a mother to her country she was a great lover of the finest arts.  She was very well-educated, she knew six different languages, she enjoyed the theatre, the dance, history, politics, and the art in general, and furthermore she was very clever. She surrounded herself with the best.

She knew that the basis for a stable government and economy was to create culture, hence, there’s an opening of the mind to knowledge. They needed to create a good education. This is the best moment of the public schools in the story of England. In her times emerges The Humanism, and here is where the Universities became a sort of sanctuary. 

In her reign London becomes a multicultural city for the first time. It’s the beginning of the Powerful England.

The art is very important to the Queen; she gives to her people a new way to see the life, to perceive the world inside of them, now there’s not just to survive, there’s a conception of what needs to be near or what needs to stay away from their thoughts. That is what makes a real Empire (in addition to conquer new places); when the kingdom is not only worried about the primary needs of the people, but beyond; they are worried about the people’s mind. She introduces the art as an entertainment but indeed she introduces it as a way of making the people more thoughtful. And intelligence is power. 

As future teachers we have to consider this, education is power, we can change lives through teaching. The education is the base for a powerful and cultured country, who respect each other no matter what we look like, what beliefs we have or what we want to do with our life. 

She was visionary because nowadays, intelligence makes people powerful. Her legacy to me was a kind of advice: Conquer all that you have to, all that you need to, but be clever so you can achieve your goals. Be always concerned about your learning process, develop your spiritual side and your mind. Use all your capabilities to be the best you that you can.

Queen Elizabeth I portrait 

                       Cate Blanchett as Elizabeth I in the movie "Elizabeth : The Golden Age"

If we talk about theatre I wonder: Did Queen Elizabeth I, meet Shakespeare ? 

I didn't find any specific information, there aren't any proofs if this happened or not. But I think that this is just a myth. Anyway, If that happened sometime, it would be the most awesome fact on Elizabeth's life and in the history of England. 

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