Sunday, March 31, 2013

It's always darkest before the dawn.

"Shake it out" was released as the first single from the second studio album "Ceremonials" by Florence and the Machine, an English indie rock band, consisting of lead singer Florence Welch (who wrote this song, with Paul Epworth). I absolutely love Florence's voice and lyrics, but this song in particular gets me in a personal level.

 The lyrics have different meanings to each person, some say is about drug addiction, other about ending unhealthy relationships, all of this ideas are valid (one of my favorite things about music is how it affects so many people, but all in a different way), but to me this song is about the fights you fight with yourself. How in order to fully understand and know yourself you have to go through your dark side, make all the wrongs choices, but in the end still go on, let go of your mistakes and learn from them even though some times you think you can't. You have to understand that no matter how unfixable or bad a situation may be, it will pass, and you have two choices, you either let them hurt you and haunt you, or you shake them off and keep going. "I'll make better mistakes tomorrow".

 Florence Welch said about writing this song "I was thinking of regrets, like, you know when you feel like you're stuck in yourself, you keep repeating certain patterns of behavior, and you kind of want to cut out that part of you and restart yourself [...]" and I kinda feel in love with that idea. When I first heard the song, I was in a bad place, feeling really bad about myself, but as soon as I heard the chorus an energy took over me and I felt not so alone and desperate, and to this day, everytime I feel like giving up, I play this song, turn the volume up and just listen. It gave me the enough strength to, as the song says, shake the devil off me, and I hope it helps everyone who listens to it the same, or in any other, way.

You can watch the video here, enjoy.

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